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Suzy The Sheep

Suzy Sheep is Peppa's friend and their favorite game is dress up. Peppa is always a fairy princess and Suzy likes to dress up as a Nurse. Suzy Sheep is the bossy but playful best friend of Peppa's. She is voiced by Meg Hall.

Suzy Sheep is a character in the "Peppa Pig" series. Peppa and Suzy have known each other since they were babies, with their mothers, Mummy Sheep and Mummy Pig being good friends. She has a stuffed owl that she loves as much as Peppa loves Teddy, or George loves Mr. Dinosaur.

However, like Peppa, Suzy also has an attitude some of the time and can be as bossy as Peppa at times. Usually to get what she wants, or giving Peppa attitdude due to her chatty behavior and then making the day difficult for her when she challenged her not to speak. But Suzy is still Peppa's best friend and often misses her.


By Brandenb10 from goanimate.fandom.com CC-BY-SA

Suzy shares a lot of interest with Peppa. She prefers games, but also enjoys playing sports and in the mud, just like the Peppa. She loves to dress up as a nurse, and often uses the knowledge she learns to apply it to her situations, such as when Ms. Rabbit fell and had to rest. She is actually caring towards people, and plans on an interest in nursing when she is older.

I am a crusty dusty dinosaur

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