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North Carolina

The capital of North Carolina is Raleigh. The founder of North Carolina is Hernando de Soto. The date of the statehood is November 21st, 1789. The population of North Carolina is 10.69 million. The landmass of North Carolina is 53,819 mi2. The description and location of the state is a state in the Southeastern part of America and it is North Carolina.

More things about North Carolina

The state flower of North Carolina is the Flowering Dogwood and the state bird of North Carolina is the Cardinal. The main industry is food processing and manufacturing. The largest city of North Carolina is Charlotte strectching out to 872,498 square miles. The current governor of North Carolina is Roy Cooper. The landmarks of North Carolina is Biltmore, Wright Brother National Memorial and Battleshipe North Carolina. The National parks of North Carolina is the National Scenic Trail and National Seashore.

The map of North Carolina


The flag of North Carolina


The founder of North Carolina (Hernando des Soto)


Wright Brothers National Memorial



National Colonies

By Nations Online Project

By Wikipedia

By National Park Service

By The Crazy Tourist