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My Hunting Experiences

When I was six years old I told my dad that I wanted to go hunting with him, so he got me a crossbow and I started practicing. At first I was frustrated because I couldn't hit the target where I was supposed to be, on the first three trys. One the fourth time I finally started hitting where I was supposed to. That hunting season I filled all three of my tags. Since then I have gone hunting with my dad every deer season. I have harvested fifeteen deer so far and it is December 4,2018. Last year I waited one day daylight to dark, waiting on a good buck to harvest. Me and my dad are very committed hunters and we sit in the treestand for hours. Sometimes we never saw anything. Another thing we have to do is deal with mosquitos at the beginning of the season. They are huge where we live and really hurt when they bite me. They are also very annoying. One time while we was hunting I had a mosquito buzzing in my ear and I couldn't swat at it because there was a deer staring right at me! This just goes to show how committed we are when it comes to hunting.

 Big Buck

From Wikipedia By Scott Baur, Public Domain

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