My Wanna Be Bio


All About Me My Wanna Be Bio My Favorites


The Bio Begins


!!~~~G e n e r a l ~~~!!

Full Name:

Kimberly -------------

Reason for name:

I was named after my cousin from my biological fathers side of the family.

Nicknames and Reasonings for the nick names;

They Call Me Lots Of Names Like..

  1. Kim(Most Prefered Name)
  2. Lyra(its in my gamertag/username for games and apps)
  3. Kimmy (not prefered to be called this)
  4. Kimberly(I dont mind people calling me only if they are my teachers)
  5. Daddy/ Mommy(Alot of my friends call me this for no reason.Probably because I tend to be over protective over certain things)


My Age is about to be 13


Okay this is where people start to get comfused about me ... I consider myself a genderfluid cactus, because i tend to act like a male and a female but i am also a cactus because i am a prick

Place of Birth:

A hospital in Fresno Californa


December 28th 2005

Currently living in:

Fresno, California. USA.

M e n t a l / E m o t i o n a l S t a t e

Mental age:

I am vary mature over certain things so i would say that my mental age would be.. 15 because for the most part i am mature but for other things i am not

Act before thinking/Think before acting?:

This is why somethings get weird for me becaus esometimes when i am by myself i think before i act but when i am in public i act before i think

Emotion-wise, generally:

In public when somethings happens i act like i dont care and people would consider me to be numb. but when i am by myself or with really close friends i would be quiet when i have music. My friends would consider me to be emo; emotional.

C o n v e r s a t i o n :

Way of speaking:

I speak vary weirdly

Common conversation starter:

  1. hey
  2. whats up
  3. hello
  4. what you doing
  5. sup


shhhhhhhh!! dont tell anyone... i do swear... occasionally. Depends on who im around. Like who doesnt swear at somepoint in their lifetime.Especially in this Generation.

Made-up words?:

..yes i also switch some words with others to confuse people . but my friends get it.

Made-up language?:

Yes but different languages with different people

L i k e s / D i s l i k e s


  1. Food
  2. Candy
  3. Drawing and Art
  4. Talking to my friends
  5. Games
  6. Phones/Tablets/Computers ect., Technology in general.
  7. History Class with Mr.Robinson
  8. Purple
  9. Animals
  10. Music


  1. Snakes
  2. Bugs
  3. Light/ Bright areas
  4. Rude people
  5. Math
  6. Leaving my house
  7. P.E
  8. Dresses
  9. Animals that Bite
  10. Country Music

H o b b i e s

Listening to music and Drawing and Texting

H a b i t s

i tend to draw on my work in class instead of doing my work.

S t r e n g t h s / W e a k n e s s e s


food and sleep


no food and no sleep

S k i l l s / A b i l i t i e s

Breathing, Living, Feelings, being Human, Drawing, Sketching, Coloring, Texting, Listening to Music, Watching Youtube and Tv

F e a r s

Being lonley for the rest of my life and dieing alone

D r e a m s / G o a l s

My Goal in life is to visit Europe somepoint in my lifetime

F a v o u r i t e s (extended)


All Food


Purple, Black,Gray and blue


Polar Bears







Time of day:


Thing to watch:



Any Scary Movie


On My Block ,Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, TEOTFW

Type of art:

Everything, Everything is art in its own way

Genre of music:

anything but country and jazz

Q u o t e s

" You’re the only person that I’ve ever trusted, never forcing me to talk until I’m adjusted so I just wanted to thank you"-Mxmtoon

"Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars. In other words: hold my hand. In other words: baby, kiss me"-Mxmtoon

"It’s valentine’s day and I’m lonely and single but it’s better this way I don’t like to mingle I’ll be my own valentine, it’s fine I’ll be my own valentine wow I’m so lucky to be my own valentine " -Mxmtoon


This is it for now ^^


"K Bye" By Kristy_d on CC BY