One of my favorite thing to do is cheer and tumble. Competitive cheer is a sport. I have have been cheering for about six years now and tumbling since I was about three or four. I can do anything up to a layout, a backflip with straight legs, and I am working on my full, a layout while spilling in the air. Competitive cheer does not use pom poms and cheering on the sidelines. We have a routine to perform at competitions.
Tumbling is a very big part of cheerleading. We tumble several times during the routine. If you do not hit a part of your tumbling the team gets a deduction. A deduction is points taken away from your score. There is standing tumling and running tumbling in the routine.
Tumbling backflip by Eric Dufresne from Trois-Rivière found on Wikimedia. CC-BY
We also have to do a lot of stunting in the routine. Stunting is when thre or four people put another girl up in the air. They do more things then just an elevator, like twists, turns, and a lot of other things.
Youth rallies are when about five or six churches come together and compete. We have a youth rally on the first Monday of every month. They do not compete in sports but in quizing and sword drills. For quizing the people over it choose two chapters out of the bible that are right after another. Ex. John chapter3 and 4. Then we study them. When we come together they will read a verse at a time and leave out a word that we have to guess. The list of words to use is in front of us. They church with the most questions correct get first. There is always a first, second, and third place. If two people tie they go back to the passage from the month before and do true or false. Sword drills is when they give you a verse, you hold the bible above yoour ead with your arm extended, and repeat the verse. When the buzzer ringes, you bring t down, look for the verse, and when you find it stand up and read the verse. The person that says the first word first gets the point. You have to complete the verse to get a point. After ten verses the person with the most points gets first place.