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Heartshaped book

Hush Naidoo Jade Photography - Unsplash

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Person of Impact in my Faith Journey:

One person of impact in my Faith Journey is my Grandma because she always prays for me, and she is a good example of a Christian.

Β· β€’ —– Ω  ✀ Ω  —– β€’ Β·

Who God is to me:

God is my Father and Friend because he is always there for me.

Β· β€’ —– Ω  ✀ Ω  —– β€’ Β·

Life Verse and Explanation:

My life verse is 1 John 4:7 β€œDear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.” Because it reminds me to love.

Β· β€’ —– Ω  ✀ Ω  —– β€’ Β·

Cross in sunset

David Banning – Unsplash