The Next Few Mental Illnesses Listed Have Been Shown To Be Linked In The Development Of Eating Disorders
- Depression is most commonly described as an intense state of persistent sadness that affects how you feel, think, act, your sleep, but mostly suicidal thoughts and lack of interest.It has been shown in many cases that eating disorders can cause depression or vice versa. When there is a change in your mental stablitiy it changes your physical stability as well , for the better or worse and when you change physically your mental process can also become better or worse. For example,if you gain weight when you don't want to,you can often get these thoughts where you degrade yourself. This causes you to look down on yourself and think that you will never be enough. Many people with these thoughts fall into a deep depression as they feel even if they work hard it will never amount to anything. In the opposite case if you want to lose weight and you do this could cause you to be proud of yourself and who you are becoming.This could lead to better eating habits, better thoughts and body-image as well.
- People who suffer with anxiety usually are in an excessive state of worry or overthinking because of a stressor, but in most cases once that stressor is gone the anxiety still stays. This can affect with their daily and personal lives, relationships and ability to work. People sometimes binge or stop eating when anxiety hits because they either don't feel in control or do it to put their anxiety under control. In my experience when you have a lot of anxiety it makes you lose your appetite as it feels like you have a terrible stomach ache throughout your whole abdomen and sometimes it doesn't go away for days and you forget to eat, but there are also instances when food is the only thing that calms those feelings and that's when you start bingeing.
Substance Abuse/Addiction
- Substance abuse pertaining to alcohol, drugs, or anything else can have a negative affect on the body.People with addiction can suffer from seizures, strokes and have problems with memory, decision making, and lung disease.With this there can also be problems with appetite, with constant change of eating behaviors a person develops chronically disordered eating patterns, and ultimately it can lead to an eating disorder diagnosis.Different drugs have different effects on the human body and eating habits. For instance, marijuana increases appetite and can cause binge eating while drugs like ecstasy restrict food intake and is connected to a loss of appetite. For knowledge the difference between substance abuse and addictions is those who abuse drugs and alcohol still have control over their lives, while those with an addiction have a disease that affects many aspects of their life. People with addiction may seem to only have an abuse problem, when in reality their life is beginning to fall apart. Similarly, those with an abuse problem might seem like they have an addiction, but they actually are in control of their substance use.
Borderline Personality Disorder
- People with Borderline personality disorder suffer from having intsense highs to intense lows. They also have impaired impulse control and can pick up very unhealthy behaviors like cutting, purging, binging and it takes long-term help to get rid of them.They also often feel unstable in relationships with other people, themselves and their bodies and this can lead to bad body-image. This can cause any type of eating disorder to develop especially with their intense negative feelings about themselves.These intense feelings are usually engrained in their head since they were young and very difficult to to treat.
While 10,200 people die from anorexia each year it is also shown that 1 in 5 people who suffer from anorexia commit suicide.