picture of me again

Thank You!

Thanks for the visit! I hope you liked my market, since most of that stuff took a bit to get a hold of. This was kind of a showcase in a way, if you get what I mean.

All renditions you saw were from me, which includes but is not limited to: images, illustrations, descriptions, prices, and the founding and making of this cool little shack. However, all references go to their respectful owners

If you wanna buy one of my goods, just take it up the counter and I'll let you take one of my exotics home with ya. I appreciate your time with my selection, since I don't usually get many customers. I'd say you've been the best one I've had in a while.

But anyways, business is business. I'm going to keep surfing around this place to find more customers and more products. Who knows what I'll get next, maybe a new product or maybe a cool new guy like you. Feel free to come back any time, little dude.

Filler space

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