Exotic stuff, and yeah thats about it

About The Owner

picture of me, as a homeless man

Hey. The name's Geode. I'm pretty much the owner of Sasterraz Exotics, not really much to say. But, since you're here, I guess I'll tell you about myself. I go a little something like this:

I pretty much travel around, looking for people to sell to, things to sell for, and places to sell by. I wouldn't say these are my best times for business, but I guess that means you're in luck, little guy. I have a full stock of whatever weird things you got an eye for, so long as you got the cash.

Anywho, I got a knack for selling cool stuff. You know how as a kid, you'd be picking up sticks and rocks for collections? Consider that my thing, but more special. I sell legendary artifacts, mythical elixirs and paraphernalia beyond your greatest needs. Or at least, I wish I did, but I got no customers. It's really just a bunch of old stuff collecting dust in my shop. Maybe one day you'll be having fun with one of these.

If you're wanting to look around here, just go to the left to find the About the Products page for info on what I'm selling. You could also go to my right to actually enter my market in the Product Hotweb, where you can take a look at my stuff. If you're going to my market though, I'd suggest either the Ancient Rune, the first product, or the can of Invisible Spray, the nineteenth product. You could expect to find their info for them there respectively. I'll hope to meet you around here soon!

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