picture of Sasterraz item selection

About The Products

Disclaimer, please do NOT purchase any of the items if you are: irresponsible. No, really, most of this stuff is pretty dangerous. Just messing! Kinda...

My items are quality approved by *up to date standards to only have artifacts of, well, exoticness. All items found here are ancient, mystical, magical, unorthodox, dangerous, or likely to consume the entire universe at any given second.

If I was to get down to specifics and whatnot I would say the general idea is that these items will only be found here. You'll likely never find it at traditional thrift stores or street marts such as this. That's why they are exotic: they are special, strange, and rare.

I take no liability in the destruction of your home, your world, your universe, or worse: your wallet.


*according to the standards to that of a slightly good smelling pile of trash

⟪---------- About the Products ----------⟫