picture of Sasterraz item selection

Product Hotweb

This is a hyperlink transfer to my official market. Unlike most, I don't just keep the most valuable items on earth behind me.

I encourage you to at least look at the selection. It's not everyday I get a customer, so please do as you must.

By sending a message to the transfer below, you'll be sent to my market, where you can see the selection of my 20 unique items. However, I am letting you into an employee background, so please, do NOT take anything without purchase! I like, will totally have to sell my soul to get some of this stuff back. Literally.

Of course, by entering the market you are agreeing that I take no responsibility if you get hurt. This includes dissection, decapitation, piercement, boiling, concussions, execution, hypnosis, internal bleeding, fractures and electric shock.

Filler space

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