Historical Fiction

If historical events and wars interest you, you should try these books!

Image of the Words on Fire book

Words on Fire

-by Jennifer A. Nielsen

This is a book that is during WWII when Russia took over Lithuania. It follows a Lithuanian girl whose culture and language has been taken away by Russia. Her family is part of a secret revolution that illegally prints books in Lithuanian. Can she help the revolution and save her family, or will she die trying?

Image of the a Story That Cannot Be Told book

The Story That Cannot Be Told

-by J. Kasper Kramer

This is a book about a girl and her family living in Communist Russia. The girl loves stories because her uncle is a poet, and she makes up stories as well. But, one day her uncle goes missing and her parents go on edge. To protect her from the government her parents sent her to where her grandparents live. Is her uncle alive? Will her parents figure out how to survive? Will the government find her?

Image of the a Night Divided book

A Night Divided

-by Jennifer A. Nielsen

This book takes place after WWII in Germany when they lost the war and the allies put borders and guards around the lands. The main character is a German girl who lives there with her family. One day, while half of her family was out on a trip, the allies put the walls around her city and separated them. Will she get back to them? Will she survive the interrogations of the guards?

Image of the Scourge book

The Scourge

-by Jennifer A. Nielsen
⦅As you can tell, I really like her books 😊 ⦆

This book is about a plague that sweeps through the land and is deadly. People who have been tested positive are taken to a prison and are expected to live a short, sick life. One day the main character Ani, and her best friend Weevil, are outside their village and captured by guards to be tested for the plague. Surprisingly, they tested positive and were taken to prison. But they soon find out that the plague is more than it seems. Will they solve this mystery and save the people in prison?

All images by Lily T.