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this webpage is about video games, that is it only video games.


Honerable menstions

Game that I like:

  1. Portal
  2. portal logo
    img by: Gemma Ryles, liseences: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0Deed

    LORE of portal: the basic lore of portal and SPOILER WARNING if you have not played the game yet, portal lore fandom.

    so portal is a game where YOU guessed it! SHOOT PORTALSSS!!!!!!!!! I know very unexpecting. so basically you are a test subject where you were woken up from your cryo sleep and are greeted with GLaDOS an AI that has gone rouge and has killed everyone in the Aperture science enrichment center with a deadly neurotoxin. SO, you go through her little tests and get a portal gun and now you can shoot portal, only the blue one though because you need the orange one too. So now you have BOTH portal guns and are ready to fight GLaDOS, but not yet. You still have a lot of test chambers to get through and a lot of goofing around outside the testing zone in length underground and has not been toughed for years by humans. Also, there's and alien invasion going on outside from the half-life games so here's the storyline for that: half-life time line SO, you beat GLaDOS and get to go outside the facility, but you are dragged back in by a party escort robot that GLaDOS had promised you cake with, and that's the portal 1 story, there's a second game but I'm too lazy too type all of it in. But the second game is very good so you should play it, right now, go, j-just GO PLAY PORTAL ITS $10 ON STEAM AND ITS GOOD!

  3. Factorio
  4. factorio_img
    Factorio img public domain 1.0 Deed

    Factorio is a game about


    *its not really all about pollution i just wanted to have a big word here

    and has many ways in which YOU can achieve this lofty goal of taking all the planets natural resources and kill-I mean... "relocate" the planets population of biters which are the local aliens that populate the planet. Biters feed off your factory's pollution and as such they level up and become stronger and more resistant to your attacks and defenses. In one game of Factorio that I was playing I got far but then got overrun by the biters that appeared out of nowhere overnight which is very funny.

    so if you want to buy Factorio its $35.00 on steam and it's a very fun game and its multiplayer too so your friends can play with you, if you have any friends, I mean it's a good single player game too. Very fun and challenging, 9.5/10

  5. Hearts of iron 4

Or hoi4 or short, Hearts of iron 4 is a game about conquering the world with your army's, you can start has any nation that exists during 1936 or 1939 (here's a map) 1939map

CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International,credit: wiki where image is.

there are two game scenarios, 1936 and 1939, 1936 gives you 3 years before the war (WW2) and you get some time to prepare if you play as one of the nations that gets attacked by Germany. 1939 however you can play as any nation during 1939 and get only a few months before WW2 kicks off.

Hoi4 is a great game that you can find on steam and it's a really good and detailed strategy game (with a lot of dlc's fyi) so if you like playing strategy games then Hoi4 might be for you.

All the games listed above can be found on the steam store

Video games I like by Leaf53 is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0