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General Tips

Get a Good Controller

Getting a good controller is very important for success. Many professional players use a Gamecube controller, but I personally prefer a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller. It all depends on what fits you. If you are comfortable with a joy con grip, use it. Know that some controllers are tacticly better that others, but if you can make it work, and it is comfortable, use it.

Gamcube Controller

Author: Evan Amos. From: commons.wikimedia.org Creative Commons Usage Rights: Public Domain.

Nintendo Switch Por Controller

Author:Evan Amon/Alphathon From:commons.wikimedia.org Creative Commons Usage Rights: CC BY-SA


As they say, practice makes perfect! Practicing, whether it is 30 minutes a day or three hours, will help you get better. This will help you with combos, technique, and recognizing situations, and make you a better player overall.

Pick a Main

Picking a main will help you improve your game tremendously. You cannot beat a master of one character with 74 characters under your belt that are all mediocre at best. Putting all your time into one or two characters will speed your improvement up tremendously

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