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My grandma has had a lot of impact in my faith because she loves Jesus very much and has taught me many things about Jesus and told me many stories about him that makes me believe in him even more. My grandma made a special game for all her grandkids that helps us with learning verses. She told us that if we learn verses we will get points, and the higher points you get the more special things you get. One of the higher point rewards is a special trip for two nights with unlimited amounts of ice cream. That encourages us to memorize verses.

To me God is the good shepherd, because he leads his children (us) and takes care of us. He is also the maker of all beautiful things because he created this earth and every living thing in it.

One of my favorite verses is this, the lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. Psalms 23:1-2. I like this verse because explains how God is our shepherd and we are his sheep.

Mountain cross

il vano-Unsplash