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My biggest hobby is horseback riding, because I love to be around horses and I love to ride them, and they have so much personality in them which makes me laugh and makes me feel happy. Horses can also be people's friends and they will learn to trust you, plus there are so many things you can do with horses when you are around them. I have been riding since i was 6 and i have grown more trust with them through the years.

Another one of my interests is baking, I like to bake because you can create different shapes and patterns, and there are many things you can bake, and of course they are super delicious!

One of my many other hobbies is playing soccer, I have played soccer since I was five and I have gotten better over the years. My dad has been my coach ever since I started playing and that made soccer special for me.

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Valerie Fomina-Unsplash

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Christine Benton-Unsplash

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Giero Saaski-Unsplash

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