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Interests and hobbies:

I love to ride and be around all types of horses!


They are so interesting and relaxing to be with. When I ride on them, I feel I can connect with them and be part of their world! I love all kinds of animals, but horses are by far my favorite! They make me feel so happy and positive whenever I am with them!I also love going to rodeos with my friedns and family and me and my cousins go every year! Me and my cousin always love watching the barrel racing and the bronc riding!

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I love to play my guitar


Whenever I am not saddling up to ride horses, I play my guitar in my room! I enjoy making my own music by strumming a bunch of chords and notes together and it ends up making something wonderful! I have been playing for about 4 years and I still love learning new songs or chords on my guitar!

I love playing soccer


I have been playing soccer for about seven years and I love to be out on the field dribbling the soccer ball around and staying active! For most of my soccer years up until I was 11 my uncle was my coach and my cousin was on my soccer team! I liked being outside in rain or sunshine playing soccer with my best friend!