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Future self:

In the future I would like to become a horse trainer or work with horses and other animals. It would also be fun to own a small little bakery and to bake and sell pastries!

My dream is to have a happy family with a husband and kids and to own a ranch down in Texas or Montana. I would want a big barn and big fields with tons of horses, cattle, chickens, dogs and a bunch more farm animals! I would want to live in a small town and for my kids to get a good education and to learn the word of God and know how to ride horses!

I also want to go to a different country with my husband and tell the people about Christ! I would use my talents to honor God as making yummy food or pastries and have them donated to the children's hospitals or to family's who can't afford enough food for their whole family! I would also want to combine my 2 favorite things together by mixing horses and Christ and showing kids the things, they have in comon or to talk about Jesus in lessons or camps!

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