game suggestions home history of pokemon creepypastas

my game suggestion list

  1. red dead redimtion
  2. This game has multiplayer in the story plus a multiplayer mode.

  3. call of duty black ops 4
  4. Even though the campaign is gone it is still a fun game because of blackout and multiplayer.

  5. overwatch
  6. overwatch logo

    blizzard entertainment,public domain,

    this game rewards team work and has fun characters (like hanzo a.k.a bow and arrow guy as my friend calls him or ashe).

  7. pokemon ultra sun and moon
  8. this game has cute and powerful pokemon, and a good story.

  9. paladins
  10. this is a free version of overwatch, but different characters. And a trash version of widowmaker (kinessa and she is trash).

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