This page is going to be a page of license plate links. Many of these links are links you've probably visited before, if you have researched as much as I have, but there are a lot of more non-obvious links out there that I've found. And I'm talking more than just Ebay and the DOT website.

Andrew Turnbull

Covers most types of Wisconsin license plates, complete with pictures taken of license plates in use. Also has Oregon, West Virginia, and Ontario license plates.
Jim Moini

Has apportioned Wisconsin license plates. A very useful resource if you are interested in modern insert stickers. Also has all other apportioned license plates out there and NJ and Mexico plates.

Covers some Wisconsin license plates. Also covers obscure license plate types and covers some plates from all states.

A great place for finding plates that you need research on, since there are THOUSANDS of plates on there at any given time. A terrible plate for finding out what plate you got, since people tend to not research what plate they got. It's also great for getting unique license plates without traveling everywhere. Just beware of the shipping; shipping can be anywhere from free to 10 dollars.

Has a lot of 1976 Wisconsin license plates. Also has a y2k page for current license plates. There is also a page 2 and a page 3. This website also has the main page and DAZ page for shopping license plates. The only thing that's missing is the links back to the main pages.
Patrick Ruch

Has some Wisconsin license plates. Not very many, but some pretty unique plates, such as mobile home dealer and disabled license plates.

Has some interesting history on Wisconsin license plates, from 1969 to present.
Deer Tag Musem

A great resource, if you like things issued by the DNR- this also includes boat and snowmobile registration stickers. Also has way too many hunting tags, which are not included in this website.

Good for when you want to look at more than 5 Ebay items at a time. Worthpoint

An archive of Ebay plates since 2006. I've had most of my research on there
Rick's Plates

Mostly out of state plates. Has a few Wisconsin plates in it's other state runs

Credits for license plate information

For your convenience, I have highlighted the year of each plate so it is easier to navigate through the links.

This is a section of credits:



1950 Low: 11279 10/13/20 Worthpoint


Semi Plates


1985 Low: 2842 12/30/20 Cody James Corbett, 3304 before 9/20/20

1986 High: 17762 12/30/20 Chris, 17000 before 9/20/20

1988 High: 20924 12/30/20 Chris, 13997 before 9/20/20

1990 High: 22971 12/30/20 Chris,

1994 High: 90786 12/30/20 Chris,

1995 High: 70757 12/30/20 Chris,

1998 Low: 61005 12/30/20 Chris,

1999 Offset Right Run 2 High: 65232X 12/30/20 Cody James Corbett, 53684X 12/30/20 Cody James Corbett, 51680X before 9/20/20

2018 Low: 82185X 12/30/20 Cody James Corbett

Apportioned Trailer

1982 Low: 102354 12/30/20 Chris

1983 Low: 104026 12/30/20 Chris

1988 Low: 101905 12/30/20 Chris

Apportioned Semi Trailer

1999 Low: ST10026 12/30/20 Cody James Corbett


1971 YH Low: YH 348 12/30/20 Chris

1972 X Low: X 471 12/30/20 Chris

1972 YH Low: YH 247 12/30/20 Chris

1972 YJ Low: YJ 9 12/30/20 Cody James Corbett

1972 YT Low: YT 12 12/30/20 Cody James Corbett

1972 YU Low: YU 5 12/30/20 Alan

1974 YD Low: YD 91 12/30/20 Cody James Corbett

1974 YH Low: YH 176 12/30/20 Chris

1974 YM Low: YM 4 12/30/20 Cody James Corbett

1976 G Low: G 38 12/30/20 Chris

1976 YL Low: YL 7 12/30/20 Alan

1980 S Low: SA1121 9/20/20 Chris

1982 P Low: PA 156 12/30/20 Chris

1984 S Low: SA 273 before 9/20/20 Personal Plate Collection

1986 N Low: NA 606 9/20/20 Chris

1992 R Low: RA 168 12/30/20 Cody James Corbett

1992 T Low: TA 281 9/20/20 Chris

1994 H Wide Dies Low: HS 38 12/30/20 Cody James Corbett

1994 K Wide Dies Low: KS 76 12/30/20 Cody James Corbett

1994 P Narrow Dies High: PS 1440 12/14/20 Personal Plate Collection

1994 T Narrow Dies High: TS23308 12/30/20 Chris

2009 T Low: TS33685 12/30/20 Chris

Semi Trailer

1968 Contractor Low: CS15413 12/30/20 Cody James Corbett

1970 Private Low: PS 310 12/30/20 Cody James Corbett

1971 Contractor Low: CS 13002 12/30/20 Chris

1976 Private Low: PS2024 12/30/20 Chris

1978 Private Low: PA 2239 12/15/20 Cody James Corbett

1978 Private High: PA 14549 12/30/20 Dale

1980 Private Low: PC 16845 12/30/20 Chris

1980 Private High: PC 16846 12/30/20 Chris

1984 Contractor Low: CG 8887 12/30/20 Chris

1984 Private Low: PG12819 12/30/20 Cody James Corbett

Tax Only

1969 Low: 453 12/30/20 Cody James Corbett

1972 Low: 9422 12/30/20 Chris

1972 High: 9769 12/30/20 Alan

1974 Low: 9854 12/30/20 Chris

1974 High: 9938 12/30/20 Chris

1976 Low: 990 12/30/20 Cody James Corbett

Permit Reciprocity

1960 Low: PR 7054 12/30/20 Cody James Corbett

1965 Low: PR18545 12/30/20 Chris

1966 Low: PR20712 12/30/20 Chris



1929 F Low: F111 before 9/20/20 Eric Tanner

1931 C Low: C 92 12/16/20 Eric Tanner

1934 A Low: 996 A 12/16/20 Eric Tanner

1935 A Low: 3-361 A before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1935 A High: 4-022 A 12/16/20 Eric Tanner

1936 A Low: 1-350 A 12/16/20 Eric Tanner

1943 A Low: 1001A 12/16/20 Eric Tanner

1945 A Low: A 1 008 12/16/20 Eric Tanner

1946 A Low: A 1 007 12/16/20 Eric Tanner

1946 C Low: C 10 61 12/16/20 Eric Tanner

1967 No Month Low: A 7490 12/15/20 Cody James Corbett

1970 Partial Groove Run 1 Low: A 4646 12/16/20 Eric Tanner

1970 Full Groove Low: A 8387 12/15/20 Personal Plate Collection, Worthpoint

1970 Full Groove High: A 8962 12/16/20 Eric Tanner

1970 Partial Groove Run 2 Low: A 9509 12/16/20 Eric Tanner

1970 Partial Groove Run 2 High: A 11297 12/16/20 Eric Tanner

1970 No Groove Low: A 11863 12/16/20 Eric Tanner

1974 Right Date Low: A 1477 12/16/20 eBay, A 2776 12/15/20 Eric Tanner (eBay)

1974 Right Date High: A 2776 12/15/20 Eric Tanner (eBay)

1974 Left Date Low: A 5163 12/15/20 Eric Tanner

1974 Left Date High: A 10636 12/15/20 Eric Tanner

1979 High: ZA13638 12/15/20 Eric Tanner

1981 Low: ZA10866 before 9/20/20 eBay

1981 High: ZA11056 12/15/20 Eric Tanner

1983 Low: ZA11006 before 9/20/20

1985 Low: ZA10409 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1985 High: ZA12805 before 9/20/20 eBay

1989 Low: ZA12576 12/15/20 Cody James Corbett

1989 High: ZA12859 before 9/20/20 eBay

1995 Wide Dies Low: ZA 1435 12/15/20 Andrew Turnbull, ZA 2932 12/15/20 Cody James Corbett

2000 Avery Sheeting Run 1 Low: 4037 ZA before 9/20/20 Andrew Turnbull

2000 Avery Sheeting Run 2 Low: 12393ZA before 9/20/20 on the road (sheeting is an estimate as of 12/15/20)

Insert Trailer

1954 B Low: B 16 12/15/20 Cody James Corbett

1954 B High: B 348 12/16/20 eBay

1974 T Low: T 133 before 9/20/20 Personal Plate Collection

1978 B High: BA 3655 12/15/20 Cody James Corbett

1978 G Low: GA 90 12/15/20 Cody James Corbett

1978 Q Low: QA 4 before 9/20/20 Cody James Corbett

1980 B Low: BA936 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1982 A Low: AA2007 before 9/20/20 Personal Plate Collection, Worthpoint

1982 D Low: DA3333 12/15/20 Cody James Corbett

1994 B Narrow Prefix Low: BT 794 12/15/20 Cody James Corbett



1918 Low:

1918 High:

1919 Low:

1919 High:

1923 Low: 3698 9/25/20 W. Yoder Auction, 4885 before 9/20/20

1923 High: 23-660 before 9/20/20 Andrew Turnbull

1923 A Low: A82 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1923 C Low: C55 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1923 C High: C152 before 9/20/20 Andrew Turnbull

1924 A Low: A758 before 9/20/20

1924 A High: A16-516 before 9/20/20

1924 B Low: B 1330 before 9/20/20

1924 B High: B13-813 before 9/20/20

1924 C Low: C 3074 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1924 D Low: D 3755 before 9/20/20

1925 A Low: 178A before 9/20/20

1925 A High: 24-296A before 9/20/20

1925 B Low: 9-723B before 9/20/20

1925 B High: 18-304B before 9/20/20

1925 C Low: 2-431C before 9/20/20

1925 D Low: 5-526D before 9/20/20

1926 A Low:

1926 A High:

1926 B Low:

1926 B High:

1926 C Low:

1926 D Low:

1926 D High:

1926 E Low:

1927 A Low:

1927 A High:

1927 B Low:

1927 B High:

1927 C Low:

1927 C High:

1927 D Low:

1927 D High:

1928 A Low:

1928 A High:

1928 B Low:

1928 B High:

1928 C Low:

1928 C High:

1928 D Low:

1928 D High:

1929 Old Dies A Low:

1929 Old Dies A High:

1929 Old Dies B Low:

1929 Old Dies B High:

1929 Old Dies C Low:

1929 Old Dies D Low:

1929 Old Dies D High:

1929 Old Dies E Low:

1929 New Dies A Low:

1929 New Dies A High:

1929 New Dies B Low:

1929 New Dies B High:

1929 New Dies C Low:

1929 New Dies C High:

1929 New Dies D Low:

1929 New Dies D High:

1930 A Low:

1930 A High:

1930 B Low:

1930 B High:

1930 C Low:

1930 C High:

1930 D Low:

1930 D High:

1931 A Low:

1931 A High:

1931 B Low:

1931 B High:

1931 C Low:

1931 C High:

1931 D Low:

1931 D High:

1932 A Low:

1932 A High:

1932 B Low:

1932 B High:

1932 C Low:

1932 D Low:

1932 D High:

1933 A Low:

1933 A High:

1933 B Low:

1933 B High:

1933 C Low:

1933 C High:

1933 D Low:

1933 D High:

1934 A Low:

1934 A High:

1934 B Low:

1934 B High:

1934 C Low: 1-831 C 9/24/20 Andrew Turnbull

1934 C High:

1934 D Low:

1934 D High:

1934 E Low:

1935 A Low:

1935 A High:

1935 B Low:

1935 B High:

1935 C Low:

1935 C High:

1935 D Low:

1935 D High:

1936 A Low:

1936 A High:

1936 B Low:

1936 B High:

1936 C Low: 3-900 C 9/24/20 Andrew Turnbull

1936 C High:

1936 D Low:

1936 D High:

1936 E Low:

1937 A Low:

1937 A High:

1937 B Low:

1937 B High:

1937 C Low:

1937 C High:

1937 D Low:

1937 D High:

1937 E Low:

1938 A Low:

1938 A High:

1938 B Low:

1938 B High:

1938 C Low:

1938 C High:

1938 D Low:

1938 D High:

1938 F Low:

1939 A Low: 5 A befre 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1939 A High: 7489 A before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1939 B Low: 1180 B before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1939 B High:

1939 C Low:

1939 C High:

1939 D Low: 6775 D before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1939 D High:

1939 E Low: 2284 E before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1939 E High: 7246 E before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1939 H Low: H 1166 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1940 A Low: 3089 A before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1940 A High: 6655 A before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1940 B Low: 4924 B before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1940 B High:

1940 C Low: 618 C before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1940 C High:

1940 D Low:

1940 D High:

1940 E Low: 4137 E before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1940 F Low: 1330 F before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1940 H Low: 1026 H before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1941 A Low:

1941 A High:

1941 B Low:

1941 B High:

1941 C Low:

1941 C High:

1941 D Low:

1941 D High:

1942 A Low:

1942 A High:

1942 B Low:

1942 B High:

1942 C Low:

1942 C High:

1942 D Low:

1942 D High:

1943 A Low:

1943 A High:

1943 B Low:

1943 B High:

1943 C Low:

1943 C High:

1943 D Low:

1943 D High:

1945 A Low:

1945 A High:

1945 B Low:

1945 B High:

1945 C Low:

1945 C High:

1945 D Low:

1945 D High:

1946 A Low:

1946 A High:

1946 B Low:

1946 B High:

1946 C Low:

1946 C High:

1946 D Low:

1946 D High:

1948 A Low:

1948 A High:

1948 B Low:

1948 B High:

1948 C Low:

1948 C High:

1948 D Low:

1948 D High:

1951 A Low:

1951 A High:

1951 B Low:

1951 B High:

1951 C Low:

1951 C High:

1951 D Low:

1951 D High:

1952 A Low:

1952 A High:

1952 B Low:

1952 B High:

1952 C Low:

1952 C High:

1952 D Low:

1952 D High:

1954 A Low:

1954 A High:

1954 B Low:

1954 B High:

1954 C Low:

1954 C High:

1954 D Low:

1954 D High:

1955 A Low:

1955 A High:

1955 B Low:

1955 B High:

1955 C Low:

1955 C High:

1955 D Low:

1955 D High:

1957 A Low:

1957 A High:

1957 B Low:

1957 B High:

1957 C Low:

1957 C High:

1957 D Low:

1957 D High:

1958 A Low:

1958 A High:

1958 B Low:

1958 B High:

1958 C Low:

1958 C High:

1958 D Low:

1958 D High:

1959 A Low:

1959 A High:

1959 B Low:

1959 B High:

1959 C Low:

1959 C High:

1959 D Low:

1959 D High:

1960 A Low:

1960 A High:

1960 B Low:

1960 B High:

1960 C Low:

1960 C High:

1960 D Low:

1960 D High:

1961 A Low:

1961 A High:

1961 B Low:

1961 B High:

1961 C Low:

1961 C High:

1961 D Low:

1961 D High:

Insert Truck

1954 G Low: G4031 12/15/20 Cody James Corbett

1965 H Low: H5339 9/29/20 Chris

1968 K Low: K 518 9/29/20 Chris

1968 L Low: L3388 9/29/20 Nick

1968 XF Low: XF1468 9/29/20 Nick

1969 L Low: L2609 before 9/20/20 Chris

1969 XB Low: XB 525 9/29/20 Nick

1970 F Low: F1920 9/29/20 Chris

1970 XC Low: XC 572 9/29/20 Nick

1970 XF Low: XF4277 9/29/20 Nick

1972 L Low: L1633 before 9/20/20 Chris

1972 XF Low: XF2015 9/29/20 Nick

1974 F Low: F5823 9/29/20 Chris

1974 XD Low: XD 483 9/29/20 Nick

1976 M Low: M2290 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1976 N Low: N4667 before 9/20/20 Chris

1978 E Low: EA 785 12/15/20 Cody James Corbett

1978 H Low: HA1086 12/15/20 Cody James Corbett

1982 H Low: HA4912 12/15/20 Personal Plate Collection

1982 K Low: KA 444 12/15/20 Cody James Corbett

1992 Square Prefix D Low: DA 8080 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1994 Narrow Prefix X Low: XC 1102 before 9/20/20 Andrew Turnbull

1994 Narrow Prefix X High: XC 5224 before 9/20/20 Andrew Turnbull

1994 Narrow Dies X High: XC74064 12/15/20 Personal Plate Collection, XC72012 before 9/20/20 Andrew Turnbull

1994 Narrow Prefix E Low: EC 304 before 9/20/20 Personal Plate Collection

1994 Narrow Prefix E High: EC 494 before 9/20/20 Andrew Turnbull

1994 Narrow Prefix G Low: GD 4528 before 9/20/20 Andrew Turnbull

1994 Narrow Prefix M Low: MC 244 9/29/20 Chris

1994 Narrow Prefix M High: MC 352 before 9/20/20 Personal Plate Collection

1994 Narrow Dies G Low: GD 7058 9/29/20 Chris, GD 7424 before 9/20/20 Andrew Turnbull

1994 Narrow Dies J High: JB 3640 9/21/20 Worthpoint

2009 F High: FB48327 10/23/20 On The Road

Light Truck For Hire

1992 B Low: BA 453 12/15/20 Cody James Corbett

1994 B Wide Dies Low: BB1094 12/15/20 Cody James Corbett

1994 C Wide Dies Low: CB 180 9/20/20 Chris

1994 C Narrow Dies Low: CB 3992 9/20/20 Chris

Heavy Farm Truck

1951 G Low: G 518 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1951 H Low: H 336 9/22/20 Pete

1952 G Low: G 423 9/22/20 Pete, G 1839 9/21/20 eBay

1952 G High: G 1839 9/22/20 eBay

1952 K Low: K 54 9/22/20 Pete

1954 F Low: F 878 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1955 F Low: F 683 9/21/20 Andrew Turnbull

1957 G Low: G 1154 9/22/20 Pete

1958 G Low: G 6549 9/22/20 Pete

1958 H Low: H 6564 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1958 J Low: J 6162 9/21/20 Brian, J 6361 9/21/20 Personal Plate Collection

1958 J High: J 6361 9/21/20 Personal Plate Collection

1958 K Low: K 5308 9/21/20 Andrew Turnbull, K 6327 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1958 K High: K 6327 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1959 K Low: K 5692 9/22/20 Pete

1959 S Low: S 5088 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1960 F Low: F 6116 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1960 H Low: H 5475 9/21/20 eBay

1960 K Low: K 5046 9/21/20 Andrew Turnbull

1960 M Low: M 5368 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1961 J Low: J 5129 9/21/20Worthpoint

1961 J High: J 5725 9/21/20 eBay

1961 L Low: L 5604 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1962 J Low: J 6435 9/22/20 Pete

1962 K Low: K 5238 9/21/20 Andrew Turnbull

1962 M Low: M 5588 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1963 H Low: H 6374 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1963 J Low: J 6008 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1963 J High: J 6907 9/21/20 Andrew Turnbull

1963 K Low: K 6266 9/21/20 Pinterest

1965 H Low: H 5750 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1965 J Low: J 5769 9/20/20 Chris

1967 F Low: F 5027 9/21/21 Worthpoint

1967 F High: F 5368 9/22/20 Pete

1967 G Low: G 7046 9/21/20 Jason, G 9/20/20 Jason

1967 J Low: J 6043 9/21/20 Michael

1967 K Low: K 7257 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1967 M Low: M 5341 9/21/20 Worthpoint, M 7155 9/21/20 Andrew Turnbull

1967 M High: M 7155 9/21/20 Andrew Turnbull

1970 F Low: F 5171 9/21/20 Andrew Turnbull

1970 G Low: G 5939 9/21/20 Michael

1970 G Low: G8201 9/21/20 Andrew Turnbull

1970 K Low: K 5115 9/21/20 eBay

1970 K High: K 7131 9/21/20 Michael

1970 L Low: L 6411 9/21/20 Worthpoint, L 9/20/20 Chris

1970 L High: L 7039 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1970 N Low: N 7173 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1974 F Low: F10-981 9/22/20 Nick

1974 F High: F1-244 9/22/20 Pete

1974 G Low: G10-852 9/20/20 Chris

1974 H Low: H10-240 9/21/20 Andrew Turnbull

1974 J Low: J10-348 9/21/20 Nick, J10-928 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1974 J High: J11-767 9/21/20 DBL License Plates

1974 M Dashed Low: M10-737 9/20/20 Personal Plate Collection

1974 M Dashed High: M11-752 9/21/20 Alex

1974 M Spaced Low: M 12695 9/21/20 Cody

1974 M Spaced High: M 12750 9/21/20 Alex

1974 N Low: N 12211 9/21/20 eBay (Address deleted)

1974 N High: N 12623 9/22/20 Chris

1974 R Low: R 11614 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1974 S Low: S 13005 9/21/20 Andrew Turnbull

1979 E Low: EA 123 9/22/20 Chris, EA 1074 9/20/20 Chris

1979 E High: EA 1074 9/22/20 Chris

1979 F Low: FA 3407 9/21/20 Nick (corrected from FA 3704 9/22/20)

1979 G Low: GA 2173 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1979 G High: GA 4562 9/22/20 Chris, GA 3692 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1981 E Low: EA 196 before 9/20/20 Personal Plate Collection

1981 E High: EA2705 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1981 G Low: GA 710 9/21/20 Alex, GA2068 before 9/20/20 (corrected from GA2608 9/21/20) Worthpoint

1981 G High: GA5326 9/21/20 Nick, GA2068 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1981 H Low: HA 253 before 9/20/20 Andrew Turnbull

1981 H High: HA 3097 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1981 L Low: L 816 9/21/20 Nick

1981 L High: L 817 9/21/20 Nick

1983 E Low: EA 589 9/20/20 Chris

1983 F Low: FA 184 9/21/20 Nick, FA 585 before 9/20/20 Andrew Turnbull

1983 F High: FA2452 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1983 G Low: GA 452 before 9/20/20 Personal Plate Collection

1983 G High: GA3370 9/21/20 Alex, GA1711 9/21/20 Nick

1985 E Low: EA 1361 9/21/20 Personal Plate Collection, EA 1458 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1985 E High: EA 1609 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1985 F Low: FA 160 9/21/20 Nick, FA2517 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1985 F High: FA2517 9/21/20 Worthpoint

1985 G Low: GA 8 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1985 G High: GA 2464 9/22/20 Chris, GA 185 9/20/20 Chris

1985 K Low: KA 501 9/21/20 Nick

1985 L Low: LA 249 9/21/20 Nick

1987 E Low: EA 193 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1987 E High: EA2038 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1987 F Low: FA 13 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1987 F High: FA 883 9/21/20 Ryan

1987 G Low: GA 469 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1987 G High: GA3783 9/21/20 Alex, GA3704 9/21/20 Personal Plate Collection

1987 K Low: KA 113 9/21/20 Nick

1987 L Low: LA 27 9/20/20 Chris

1987 L High: LA 199 9/20/20 Chris

1987 P Low: PA 29 9/22/20 Chris

1987 R Low: RA 6 before 9/20/20 Cody

1989 G Low: GA1374 9/22/20 Chris, GA2069 9/21/20 Alex

1989 G High: GA2069 9/22/20 Alex

1989 K Low: KA 142 9/21/20 Nick

1989 L Low: LA 891 9/21/20 Nick

1991 F Low: FA 687 9/22/20 Grateful Shed

1991 G Low: GA 704 9/22/20 Chris, GA1415 9/21/20 Nick, GA1816 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1991 G High: GA2681 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1991 H Low: H before 9/20/20 Grateful Shed (removed 9/22/20 because it was the wrong weight class)

1991 K Low: KA 362 9/21/20 Alex

1991 L Low: LA 271 9/21/20 Nick

1991 L High: LA 274 9/21/20 Nick

1993 F Low: FF 166 before 9/20/20 (corrected from FF 193 9/21/20) eBay

1993 G Low: GF 774 9/20/20 Chris

1993 H Low: HF 155 9/21/20 Chris, HF 555 9/21/20 Nick, HF3149 9/21/20 Andrew Turnbull

1993 H High: HF3301 9/21/20 Andrew Turnbull

1993 K Low: KF 293 9/21/20 Andrew Turnbull

1993 L Low: LF 329 9/21/20 Alex

1993 L High: LF 331 9/21/20 Alex

1993 N Low: NF 185 9/21/20 Alex

1995 Wide Dies E Low: EF31106 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1995 Wide Dies E High: EF31840 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1995 Wide Dies F Low: FF31778 9/21/20 Alex

1995 Wide Dies G Low: GF31769 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1995 Wide Dies H Low: HF32644 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

1995 Wide Dies H High: HF33338 before 9/20/20 Andrew Turnbull

1995 Wide Dies K Low: KF30008 before 9/20/20 Andrew Turnbull

1995 Wide Dies M Low: MF30197 before 9/20/20 Andrew Turnbull

1995 Narrow Prefix M Low: MF30399 12/15/20 Cody James Corbett

1995 Narrow Dies G Low: GF36126 9/21/20 Justin, GF36924 before 9/20/20 Andrew Turnbull

1995 Narrow Dies G High: GF36924 9/21/20 Andrew Turnbull

1995 Narrow Dies H Low: HF33539 before 9/20/20 Andrew Turnbull

1995 Narrow Dies H High: HF34665 9/22/20 Chris, HF34121 before 9/20/20 Worthpoint

2009 E Low: EF33519 before 9/20/20 Andrew Turnbull

2009 E High: EF33914 before 9/20/20 Andrew Turnbull

2009 F Low: FF34420 before 9/20/20 Andrew Turnbull

2009 F High: FF36199 before 9/20/20 On The Road

2009 G Low: GF41618 before 9/20/20 On The Road

2009 G High: GF41848 9/21/20 Dustin

2009 M Low: MF32428 9/21/20 Picclick (Address deleted)

2009 Q Low: QF31072 9/21/20 Andrew Turnbull

Plate, Tab, and Sticker Colors

Insert March

1941 Contractor: 1/15/21 Eric Tanner

1941 Private: 1/15/21 Eric Tanner

1955: 1/15/21 Worthpoint

1958: 1/15/21 Eric Tanner

1960: 1/15/21 Eric Tanner

1963: 1/15/21 Eric Tanner

1969: 1/15/21 Eric Tanner, 1969 11/3/20 Worthpoint

1972: 1/15/21 Eric Tanner, 1972 11/3/20 Worthpoint, 1972 before 11/3/20

1974: 10/28/20 Nick, 1974 before 10/28/20

1975: 10/28/20 Nick, 1975 before 10/28/20

1979: 1/15/21 Eric Tanner, 1979 Worthpoint before 10/28/20

1981: 10/29/20 Nick, 1981 2019

1986: 10/28/20 Meet (10/11/20), 1986 before 10/11/20

2017: 1/15/21 Personal Plate Collection, 2017 before 10/28/20

2022: 10/28/20 prediction

2023: 10/28/20 prediction

2024: 10/28/20 prediction

Insert June

1941 Contractor: 1/15/21 Eric Tanner

1941 Private: 1/15/21 Eric Tanner

1942: 1/15/21 eBay

1946: 1/15/21 Worthpoint

1948: 1/15/21 Worthpoint

1949: 1/15/21 W. Yoder Auction

1950: 1/15/21 W. Yoder Auction

1951: 1/15/21 Worthpoint

1952: 1/15/21 Worthpoint

1953: 1/15/21 Worthpoint


1954: 1/15/21 eBay

1956: 1/15/21 W. Yoder Auction

1957: 1/15/21 Ross Day

1958: 1/15/21 Eric Tanner

1959: 1/15/21 Worthpoint

1960: 1/15/21 Eric Tanner

1961: 1/15/21 W. Yoder Auction

1962: 1/15/21 W. Yoder Auction

1991: 10/29/20 Worthpoint

Insert September

1990: 10/29/20 Worthpoint

Insert December

1962: 1/15/21 W. Yoder Auction

1963: 12/21/20 Chris, 1963 before 9/20/20

1964: 12/21/20 (tweaked with new colors), 1964 before 9/20/20

Other Oddities

Gray Low: ELB-508 9/29/20 Cody James Corbett

Last section of this page created 9/21/20. Updated October 14, 2020.
I don't know when this page was created. I forgot to add that when this page was created a while ago.