Sticker Mania

Sticker mania is when people stick stickers all over the license plate. Typically it is when there are two stacks or more of stickers. Insert plates and sesquicentennial plates have a tendency to be sticker mania license plates, though I have spotted some other sticker mania plates.

1979 Insert Truck
1985 Motor Home
1979 Passenger
1986 Truck
1980 Truck
1985 Farm
1978 Heavy Farm
1979 Special-Z

These plates aren't in my collection but they are still cool.

1978 Farm
W. Yoder Auction
1980 Dual Purpose Farm
W. Yoder Auction

Some plates also have stickers placed in the wrong place, either on the wrong plate or on the wrong place on the back plate.

truckpl8 motorhomepl8 pl8

Sometimes, but very rarely, there is the wrong sticker on the license plate.

1983 Dual Purpose Farm

Plates not in my collection:

Other times, plates get registered after they were supposed to be replaced.

93mopedplate 09bluetrailerplate

Once in a blue moon, an undated plate will get a sticker. How does this even happen?


Flip Sheeting

Most reflective license plates have bare aluminum backs, however, some plates have painted backs. Plates with painted backs appeared to be issued in 5 runs: Late A, Late C, Early D, Mid-E , Mid-F, Late G, Early H, Mid M, and for black, no passenger plates have been found yet. Many flip sheeting plates were produced when there were old rolls of painted sheeting when a series discontinued.

It is important to note that the difference between gray and white license plate backs is very small in photos, and I'm still working on figuring out which is which.

Color Passenger Truck Motor Home School Bus Hobbyist Motorcycle Dealer Motorcycle Collector Possible bases
Dark Blue AYU-893
81 base

88 base

12367 2149 1987 Insert Truck
White CZE-380
(EMA-101 claimed)
plate, not
issued in
C391 1987 Apportioned
Gray ELB-508 1988 Insert Truck
Yellow EMF-664
1988 Apportioned
1991 Apportioned
1991-1995 Dealer
Orange FLF-613
1990-1991 Insert Truck
Robin Egg Blue GYY-404 1989-1991 Dealer
Light Blue GZD-840 1975-1990? Collector
Light Blue Front MKG-365 1975-1990? Collector
Black 1555 1998 apportioned
or 1981 Dealer

1991 Apportioned Base


1991 dealer base

This plate has a blue front.


This is the front plate of the pair, which has a lot of torn sheeting. The blue color is more noticable on this plate:


The backs of the plates look like aluminum that got a coating that was transparent yellow. 1989 dealer plates had backs that were a kind of matte aluminum. So... what WERE these license plate blanks used for?

Reflective Insert Plates

I'm starting to suspect that, like flip sheeting plates, reflective insert truck and trailer plates are produced when light truck for hire bases are no longer used. I'm going to start tracking the numbers for them, though they could be error plates too.

Off Color CT 2119
Avery Sheeting XR14633
94 Farm
3M Sheeting FF 5885

Error Plates

There are various error license plates. Some errors are as obvious as a major mistamp or missing paint, others are very subtle and hard to identify.


This graphic base plate has no foreground paint. I don't know why, and I don't know if it is intended or an error.

Other plates have areas that missed paint because of the way they were painted.

Very rarely a license plate will use the wrong paint.

End of Sheeting

Sometimes, when a roll of sheeting is depleted, a license plate will have overlapping sheets of reflective sheeting.


Some plates have the wrong dash.

Other plates have dashes where ther isn't supposed to be a dash.

Some plates are missing a dash. The most notable example of this is a few thousand truck plates in the BE series that were missing a dash.

Crooked stamps

Some plates that were stamped crookedly are very obvious and easy to spot.

Other plates are hard to see and you have to look very closely to see the misalignment.

Misaligned prefixes

Some plates have misaligned prefixes.

Invert Errors

A very rare error. Invert error license plates are worth a lot of money.

Broken Dies

Sometimes dies break, so there is a spot where the dies were missing.

Numbers too high

Some plates have their numbers stamped too high.

Extra Stamps

Sometimes plates have two different stamps on top of each other.

Other times plates will have something between the die press and the plate, and it will get stamped into the plate.

Mismatched Die Sets

There were multiple distinct die sets. I will list the differences between each die in each die set:

Dies Character Description
Wide 1 2 Slightly smaller space
5 Shorter bottom curve
7 Curved
Wide 2 2 Slightly larger space
5 Taller bottom curve
7 Straight
Tall Prefix 1 A Thick outline
G Thick outline
Tall Prefix 2 A Thin outline
G Thin outline
Narrow 1 W Short middle line
Narrow 2 W Long middle line

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Created November 5, 2018. Updated September 30, 2020.