This section will include the following plate types:


Antique license plates have been issued since 1957, and were issued to unmodified cars over 30 years old. Up until the 1980s, the requirements were locked at prewar vehicles. Antique plates have only been reissued once, and only can be used for parades and maintenence.

Antique Purple
W. Yoder Auction
Antique Tan (Wide w/groove) Sample
W. Yoder Auction

Antique Motorcycle

Antique motorcycle plates are very rare.


Hobbyist plates are used on vehicles over 20 years old that have been modified. They were introduced in 1976.

Hobbyist Motorcycle

I don't know when they were first issued, though I would think they were first issued in 1976


Collector plates were first issued in 1975. They are available for unmodified vehicles 20 years old or older. The usage restrictions are much lighter than on Antique plates, and they are so unrestrictive many people register vehicles that qualify for Antique plates under Collector plates. Collector plates, however, cannot be used in January.

Vehicle Collector

Despite the similarity in the title, Vehicle Collector plates are issued to the main vehicle of a car collector. I don't know what the criteria for getting the plate is, though.

Collector Motorcycle

Collector Motorcycle plates have gone through 3 different styles so far, each reflecting styles of Motorcycle plates. Many Collector Motorcycle plates have prefixes, unlike Collector plates.

Historic Military Vehicle

Historic Military Vehicle plates were first issued in 2010 to solve problems with people registering their miltary vehicles.

Historic Military Vehicle Motorycle

A very rare plate, only 22 have been confirmed to be issued.

Created September 30, 2019.